Natural Living
How to live more plastic free, DIY beauty, and other natural living tips and tricks to channel your inner hippy. There are dozens of recipes and guides on Wholehearted Eats to live a more natural, close to the earth life.

Natural Body Products
A collection of beauty and green natural body products! These are DIY, vegan, zero waste, and simple recipes for everyday herbalism.
Zero Waste
A collection of guides and DIYs for reducing waste and replacing with zero waste and fully compostable items.
How to Live More Plastic Free
Guides and how-to recipes to reduce your plastic consumption, for more plastic-free living.
Home and Garden
Eco-friendly home and garden guides for how to make your home and outdoor space more sustainable.
Sophie's Expertise
Sophie has been working in herbalism since childhood and learned many of these skills from her Mum and the classic recipes of the 1960s and 70s. With inspiration from the godmother of modern herbalism, Rosemary Gladstar, Sophie is sharing these recipes with you along with tips and guides on living sustainably. With everything from reducing plastic waste and natural beauty tutorials to earth-friendly recipes, Wholehearted Eats embraces reducing our global impact along with the pleasures of creating your own home and body products.